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Validierungsverfahren für Passivierprozesse müssen nicht langwierig sein

Seven years of laborious validation process in search of the optimum passivation process for stainless steel parts? There is another way!

Our sustainable process makes lengthy validation processes obsolete - often the processes are even implemented and ready for use within a few weeks!

For more than 20 years, we have been analyzing our customers' processes and advising them on how to establish the optimum passivation process with citric acid in their production facilities. The special feature is that in most cases we can integrate the passivation into your existing cleaning process without much additional effort. In this way, you retain full process control. And at the same time, passivation tailored to your products improves their quality level in a sustainable and environmentally compatible manner.

So if you are planning a changeover or introduction of passivation with citric acid, we will be happy to support you!

Melden Sie sich gerne bei uns, im persönlichen Gespräch können wir Ihre Problematik am besten einkreisen und gemeinsam eine Lösung finden!

Tel. +49 171/36 24 872 • E-Mail:

Claus von der Decken

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